martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Cell Membrane

Fluid mosaic:
model mixed composition of phospholipids, glycolipds, sterols and proteins.

Adhesion Protein:
help the cell adhere to another or to a protein.

Communication Protein: 
match up with identical proteins in the plasma membrane of an adjoining cell.

Receptor Protein: 
 proteins docks for hormones that cause target cells to change their activities.

Recognition  Protein:
proteins identify a cell as nonself or self.

Passive transporter:
movement of particles across the cell membrane without an imput of energy.

Active transpoter:
movement of particles across the cell membrane with an imput of energy.

 net movement of mocecules or ions down a concentration gradient.

Electric gradient:
 a difference in electric charge between adjoining regions.

Pressure gradient:
 a difference in pressure exerted per unit volume (area) between two adjoining regions.

Concentration gradient:
difference in the number per unit volume of molecules of a substance between adjoining regions.

 solution with lower solutes.

 solution with more solutes.

solutions that show no net osmotic movement.

Hydrastatic Pressure:
furgur pressure exerted by any volume of fluids.

Osmotic Presurre:
measure of tending of water to follows its water concentration gradient and move into that fluid.

diflusion of  water across a selectively permeable membrane, to a region where the water concentration is lower.

small patch of plasma membrane ballons inward and pinches off inside the cytoplasm.

a vesicle moves to the cell surface, and then the protein-studded lipid bilager of its membrane tuses with the plasma membrane.

common endocytic pathways.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Cell Structure and Function

A region of the cytoplasm that is not enclosed in a membrane sac.

Lipid Bilager
Is a continuos , oily boundary that preverts the free passage of water soluble substabces.

Distance from the peak of one wave to the peak behind it.

Electron Microscope
Use magnetic lenses to bend and duffract beams of electrons.

Transmission Electron Microscope
Electrons pass through a specimen and are used to make images of its internal details.

Scanning Electron Microscopes
Direct a beam of electron back and forth across a surface of a specimen.

Membrane bounded sacs.

Secretory Pathway
Moves polypeptide chians through ER and golgi bodies, then on to the plasma membrane for release from the cell.

Endocytic Pathway
Moves ions and  molecules into the cytoplasm.

Tiny Sacs.

Nuclear Envelope
Is a double-membrane system un which two lipid biliyers are pressed against each other.

As the cells`s collection of DNA and all proteins associated with it.

Is a double-stranded DNA molecule and its associated proteins.

Hold enzymes that digest fatty acids, amino acids and hydrogen peroxide.

Cell Junctions
Molecular structures where a cell sends and receives signals or materials.

Basal Body
Barrel shaped structure that produces and organizes microtules into the 9+2  array.

"false" feet. Temporar, irrgular labels bulge out from the cell.